There Is Not Enough Disk Space Available to Process Clips Clear Some Space and Try Again

How to Complimentary Up Disk Space for Final Cut Pro X?

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Mar 31, 2022• Proven solutions

Whenever you are working on a Mac ensure that 10% of your storage is ideal and gratuitous. Without complimentary space, your work is going to become slow. Sometimes you take to erase a portion of things occupying extra storage to work smoothly.

Never ignore and disregard the errors and alerts of the space disk being full. This article is all about how to gear up the disk infinite in the final cut Pro 10. Moreover, this article will cover the dissimilar ways via which yous can cheque mac storage space, and how to free upwardly space in FCPX and Mac.

Quick Guide:

  • Part 1: How to free up space from Final Cut Pro Library?
  • Part 2: What to do with the "not enough disk infinite" error
  • Part iii: How much space tin FCPX have in Mac?
  • Role 4: How to free up infinite in Mac?

Role 1: How to free up space from Final Cut Pro Library?

Information technology takes three steps, and here are these steps.

Step1: Remember to delete unused clips and original medias

To brand room in your final cut pro, delete all the unused clips and original media. Delete the generated library files and delete the return files. Before deleting make sure to check whether to delete unused or used render files.


Step 2: How to salve space with files and transcoding options?

Information technology happens in final cut pro, that while working, information technology creates records, proxy files, and rendered files. To save space, y'all have to delete these files. It is advised to delete the generated rendered files before moving the library to mac Final Cut pro. Moreover, Mac recovers all the files the following fourth dimension you open the project

Step 3: How to end background rendering and how to delete render files in Fcpx?

Sometimes temporary videos and audios are created in Final cut pro X . Background rendering starts just later on 5 seconds you quit working in mac. You tin can physically control the background rendering in Final cutting pro. When you want to have more control, disable rendering in FCP and choose which clip you would like to return. Y'all can change the preferences to disable or enable through the FCPx settings. In one case you lot disable the rendering, it is your choice to select the specific clips to render.

Open the preferences menu in your mac and render the highlighted clips in your Fcpx timeline. Use the control+R shortcut to return the files.

To delete the render files in Fcpx,  Delete the generated files. Files> generated files. A window will appear, Click ok on delete render files.


Part2: What to do with the "not enough disk space" error even with enough space in Mac?

Sometimes however having a lot of infinite, Your concluding cut pro 10  shows not enough disk space error in FCP X. Help!

Take you lot always got the fault of not having enough space at available destinations whenever you lot import anything to FCP X.?

Quick GuideFollow the below steps to solve this problem

  1. Click and select the library in FCPX
  2. So get to the File bill of fare and select "Delete generated library file"
  3. Next, Select all the return and proxy files
  4. You might non be using optimized files, In that instance, select optimized files
  5. Exit FCPX.
  6. To reboot, hold downwardly both pick and command keys
  7. Delete the preference files
  8. If the mistake persists, run the utility binder that is within the Awarding binder.
  9. Execute First help in all the units.
  10. If the fault persists, obtain a re-create of the disk, and repair the directories on all the drives.

Part 3: How much space tin FCPX accept in Mac?

Today, when we have hard drives and multi-terabytes, many of us have stopped looking at the deejay infinite. Many of you usually don't bother until y'all go an alert that the disk is full.

Sometimes the largest drives get filled somewhen. If you oasis't checked your disk infinite yet, use your Mac and follow the instructions given below. You may be surprised about how much infinite can FCPX take.

Here is how you volition do information technology:

Selection 1: Checking the mac storage through "About this Mac"

At present it is a bit easy to check the storage from about the department. You will find this in most of the recent MAC versions.

Click on the mac logo and so click on "Virtually this mac".

Click on "storage" and yous will see a reference nautical chart stacked portraying the chapters of the disk and the absolute amount of storage taken by different categories of information. Moreover, y'all will find out the space that is notwithstanding accessible to you.

Selection ii: Checking the mac storage through "Disk utility"

If you're a Mac user, yous might know that there is a disk utility app. You tin easily get a readout of the available space from there.

Open your Finder and click "Applications" on the left side.

Or click the magnifying glass in the upper right to discover disk utility.

You volition discover utilities in Applications. Applications> utilities.

Later the disk utility opens, you can see the available used spaces. Recollect to put your hard bulldoze's name from the list. The popup window that opens up volition also tell yous the free infinite of whatsoever device continued to your Mac.


Option3: Checking the storage from the Finder

Yous tin can get a preview of your storage device by clicking an item in the Finder and pressing the spacebar on your keyboard. Let's suppose you lot need to check a particular certificate without opening it.

Select that certificate and press the spacebar. You will know what's inside without fifty-fifty opening information technology.

Quick Guide Hither is how yous can do it

  1. Get to Finder and select Finder>Preferences, next Click General, modify the settings and you will encounter the storage device on the desktop.
  2. To cheque the available or remaining infinite, click the spacebar. As you click it a window popup will show yous the remaining infinite.
  3. Press the spacebar once again to close the window or you lot can do it via control. Printing Command-Due west.
  4. Turn on the finder condition bar on your window. In case you want to check the disk infinite often.
  5. Open a Finder window and next open the view card. As you select the show condition bar option, yous volition see the number of items in the folders. In the other case, if yous are viewing the binder you'll get the idea of remaining or gratis space

If yous're looking for a lighter alternative to Final Cutting Pro, try Filmora to salvage more space!

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

And so, is your FCPX good to get? Get your tutorials for FCPX here!

Role iv: How to free up space in Mac?

Find out what's occupying the room in your Mac to relieve room for concluding cut pro. Get familiar with how to deal with your Mac'due south capacity. Acquaint yourself with the platonic approaches to free up space in Mac.

Nowadays, Macs have limited and restricted chapters due to the SSDs present in them. When in that location were difficult drives in Mac, we had a huge room on them. In recent memory, high-resolution videos, music, and other functional records accept upwardly more than capacity. When you run out of space, it hampers your work and processing.

Quickly clear your mac space.

If you lot are in a hurry, you lot can do the beneath things to chop-chop articulate up the space in your mac.

  1. Select the download folder and open up it in the Finder. Now select the binder whose content y'all don't need and trash it.
  2. Move to the home folder and open a new Detect window. Press control-F.
  3. Click the drop-down card to choose "other."Look to the box next to "Document size". Press ok. Choose" greater than" in the next dropdown bill of fare. With this cull the unwanted file or the one that is no longer useful to throw in the trash.
  4. Another thing that you tin can practice is, move those files in the trash that y'all haven't opened in the last year.
  5. If your desktop has a lot of unused stuff and is taking space, and then delete the folders on the desktop.

Ways to clean junk on your Mac

There are many ways to make clean garbage records on Mac. You may have unlike types of garbage in your Mac. Here is a elementary solution for the emptying of junk from your Mac. Along with occupying the space, junk slows downward your Pc, telephone, and Mac.

Cleaning cache files: Every Mac has some files stored which are known as cache files. Some temporary files are kept in Mac to speed up the Apple software. It better to clean the files before it gets accumulated and hampers the performance.

  • Press control +shift+K later on opening the Finder.
  • Enter this command in the field box~/Library/Caches.
  • Come across all the visible files on the appearing window
  • Select all files to delete, and you can delete one by one
  • Enter the username and countersign in the popup window

Similarly, you tin can clean the organization log files too from your mac by beneath steps:

  1. Go to the binder. Before selecting Go, enter the /var/log/.
  2. All the system files are visible to you. At present, you can easily delete unwanted files.

Clean with Clean MyMacX

You lot can now make clean your mac with this awarding. Download this awarding for free. After launching it, see the features on left and click on the system junk. Practise scanning and cheque the reverse side of user enshroud files and delete the items, yous want to delete. Lastly, printing clean to clean it. Your Mac is now equally new as before. Clean MyMacX cleans all the junk and makes your mac ataxia-free.


Move the unwanted and unused clips from your Mac terminal cutting pro X. Fifty-fifty you tin free up the storage by deleting the whole effect. A few media files stay in the library equally many projects use the same media.

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Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.


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